Robot Vacuum Pool Cleaners | Home Cleaning Robots
"Always Come Home To A Clean Home" Shop at Robot Cleaner Store for the best prices and brands for all your home robot cleaning needs with robot vacuums, pool cleaners, and lawn mowers. Hey there, thanks for stopping by. I'm going to let you know a little about myself . I’m a network engineer so I deal with complicated algorithms all day long. So my background gives me a different perspective on “robots.” I can see how automation and algorithms will make a difference in our lives for the better - to get more done in less time. To spend more time with our family and friends. To build things we could only dream of a short time ago. How do I know this? Because I’ve leaped into the future with both feet firmly planted. I have a burning curiosity for automation and making things more efficient. My first step was to see how I could help my parents. At their age, ease and comfort should take priority over laborious home chores, so I got them a robot vac...